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Treating water for a better tommorow.....
Home Solutions Aquaculture


Consider the Benefits

● Less chlorine, gives swimmer satisfaction
● No more chlorine odour or organic odour issues
● Healthy hair, healthy skin
● Lower pool maintenance and chemical costs
● Suitable for freshwater and saltwater
● Water lawn and garden with backwash of freshwater pool


As Poolsmart reduces dependence on chemicals, less calcium carbonate buffer and less acid is required. The poolsmart uses a series of computer generated ULF&VLF to break bonds between minerals and chemicals present in the water. Accordingly the pH is more easily balanced, and more free chlorine is available. Significantly less chlorine in the form of hypochlorite (NaOCl) is needed.

Poolsmart prevents scale from forming and removes existing scale and biofilms from equipment that is in contact with the water flow. Pumps, filters, and pool heating elements work more efficiently and use less energy. Equipment lasts longer, requires less maintenance and less consumables.


In some cases a second system may be recommended on the reject line to ensure sufficient treatment of the irrigation flow to enable healthy plant irrigation..Due to lower levels of chemicals and chlorides in the filtered backwash you can now use the reject stream from your freshwater pool to water lawns and plants Currently almost all pool water goes down the drains, now it can go on gardens, instead of out to sea!


Orbitsmart’s ULF&VLF break bonds between minerals and chemicals present in saltwater. Less calcium carbonate or acid buffer is required, and Orbit recommends that the TDS of pool water be kept down in combination with Poolsmart. Under these conditions pH is more easily balanced, and more free chlorine is available. Poolmaster does not replace a salt cell electrolytic chlorinator, the two technologies are complementary and compatible. While salt cells generate free chlorine, Poolsmart increases the availability of that free chlorine.


The ULF&VLF in Poolsmart change large crystals into tiny particles, providing you with soft water that feels better and is much clearer. Large mineral crystals are unable to build and scale formation is controlled. The effects of ULF&VLF treatment remain active in the water for up to 5 days and progressively remove any scale that has already formed in the pipes and equipment connected to the flow, prolonging their life and reducing energy and repair bills.


A beneficial effect of the Poolsmart system is the stabilization of pH, thus reducing or completely eliminating the need for pH balancing chemicals altogether. Poolsmart reduces the amount of chemical needed, and if used as recommended reduces or eliminates nasty chlorine smells.


Nutrient levels in harvested crops are enhanced by the use of ULF&VLF. This has been documented in tests over a period of more than a decade, and the Agrismart research program has federal approval to continue. Treated water enables plants to grow at salinities that nature never intended. Nutrients in irrigation water also become available due to treatment, while descaling action in watering systems leads to better flow and thus improved irrigation. Use of this technology enables you to turn fundamental physics against the challenges that you face in dry and challenging conditions so that both the land and you the grower come up winners. Agrismart offers the opportunity to make the most of the nutrients already on your property, thus reducing fertiliser costs. If you fertilise, less fertiliser is required than was required before, due to interactions of minerals with nitrogen and phosphorus inside the plants. Scientific trials have shown that crop systems with and without Agrismart perform radically differently; crops treated were alive and healthy, while those untreated were dead or unhealthy. PhD qualified testing associates have shown reductions in calcium particle size and dramatic improvements in crop weight and health.


Savings in pool buffer calcium carbonate, acid and chlorine are usually between 15% and 70%, depending on the pool set up and water quality being treated (mains or bore).


Under the influence of Poolsmart, large mineral particles become unstable and are reduced to sub 4 micron particles. The flow assumes the properties of softened water without the use of chemicals. Large particles in the water normally absorb or scatter light, making the water look murky, whereas tiny particles allow the light to pass through largely uninterrupted. Algae can normally grow on large particles, but with Poolsmart they lose their growing base and proliferation is reduced. Due to particle size reduction and reduced algal load, pool water becomes clearer and the water surface acquires a glassy sheen.


By reducing the amount of chlorine added, swimmers don’t get red eyes or crawling skin, and their hair is softer and unmatted .Removing scale, from equipment and tiled surfaces eliminates the growing base for algae, fungi (moulds) and bacteria.. All tiles and surfaces in contact with treated water stay cleaner, and the water is healthier as there are fewer chemicals to swim in.


. PhD qualified scientists have investigated the physical effects of the technology behind pools. Pools are a perfect application of ULF&VLF water treatment, targeting the dipole of water molecules as well as dissolved components such as free chlorine and buffers. Installing Poolsmart leads to more effective interactions between forms of chlorine, and respective pool buffers. Dont let the pool control you, control the pool